Our goal is to help startups grow and succeed
At the most fundamental level we believe that to be successful, entrepreneurs and new venture founders must focus on delivering compelling value propositions that address key customer problems and then apply lean start up methodologies to develop solutions that work and innovative business models that are commercially viable.
Food Futures Company has identified megatrends and themes that we believe will drive widespread transformational change across the food system over the next 3-5 years including:
Health & wellbeing
Personalised nutrition
Convenience: on-the-go eating, ready meals, meal kits, meal delivery
Alternative proteins
Disruptive food production technologies
Leveraging digital technologies and data management
Traceability, transparency and ethical production
Food waste and sustainability
Value chain redesign to build closer links to consumers
New food systems such as indoor farming
We love hanging out with passionate founders who want to work on these big issues and do more faster.